Many Years of Loyalty and Commitment at PrehKeyTec

In 2024, we celebrated two anniversaries at PrehKeyTec:

Franz Söder, who can look back on 25 years with PrehKeyTec, has been contributing his expertise and commitment to our team since June 1999. Not only Franz Söder, but also our valued colleague Günther Görtz has been with the company for an impressive 40 years. Since November 1984, he has helped shape the company with his commitment and loyalty. 

We would like to thank both of them for their tireless commitment, their dedication and for 25 and 40 years of trustful teamwork. 
We are proud and grateful to have such highly committed employees on our team and look forward to many more years of joint success and growth!

The Jubilees Franz Söder (left picture, mid) and Günther Görtz (right picture, mid)