WinProgrammer Version 2.5 Build20213
Use this full package to create key assignments and key labels for all our programmable keyboards. This latest release contains many improvements and new templates. Details and further information about installation are listed in the Readme, a portable version is available on request. For getting started programming our keyboards, please consult the Quickstart manual which will be installed accordingly. Latest version of this document is available in the Manuals section. (2020 May 20)
MapMyKey for Windows
For our USB devices you also can use our Windows software "MapMyKey" in addition or as an alternative. This way flexible, application-dependent key sequences and shortcuts can be sent, applications can be started or web pages can be opened. User Manual is included in installation, latest changes are listed in the changelog. For general information and instruction videos please see our overview page "Your Keyboard". (2020 Sep 02)
Labeling Template
As an alternative to the templates integrated in the WinProgrammer and MapMyKey, you can use our Excel template for labeling your keys.
C2K - Download Utility for Windows - Portable ZIP
C2K ("Copy to Keyboard") utility downloads an existing keytable (MWF or MWX file) into your PrehKeyTec keyboard. C2K can also read out the keytable (as binary MWX file). C2K is also integrated in above WinProgrammer installation package and will be installed accordingly.
Use this "Portable ZIP" archive as an alternative - e.g. for deploying only the C2K utility to target machines.
Important note: For PS2 keyboards, you must install the necessary driver support "DriverPack" in addition. Please see Readme for details. (2020 May 20)
Copy2mci - Download Utility for Linux OS
This command line utility configures our MCI family USB keyboards on Linux (kernel 2.6.x or newer). Package is available on request - please contact support[at]
DOS-Programmer - Version 4.1.09
Use this tool to program PS2 keyboards of MWX, MC and PC-POS family under DOS and Windows 3x/95/98. Alternative download packed as MWX4109.ZIP. (06/17/2005, archived*)
Important note: For programming newer PS2 keyboards models like the MCI family only use the updated download utility copy2mwx.exe V4.11 included in this package.
Our APIs and OPOS/JavaPOS packages help you to implement PrehKeyTec devices into your customer application:
PKTUSBAPI, V5.2.0.01 (USB)
Our new PKTUSBAPI enables direct communication with our USB devices and their modules (MSR, Keylock, OCR, LCD, etc.) within your own applications. Our API supports multiple devices and event handling. This package is for Windows, other packages for Linux and Android are available on request.
View Readme for details - full documentation is included in the ZIP archive. (Oct 20 2023)
OPOS Service Objects Version
Using our OPOS service objects you can control the following keyboard modules: PosKeyboard , MSR, Keylock and ToneIndicator. Updated SO installer - view Readme for details. (Aug. 22 2018)
Complete OPOS Package 1.10.007b (OPOS_20080822.EXE)
In addition to an older SO installer, the CCOs V1.10.001 from C. Monroe and sample applications are included in this complete package. View Readme for details. (Aug. 22. 2008)
JavaPOS Package for Windows, Version 1.12.086
The latest Windows version of our JavaPOS service is able to control the following keyboard modules: Keyboard (POS keys), MSR (integrated in keyboard), keylock and tone indicator. View Readme for details. (09/23/2009)
JavaPOS Package for Linux
The Linux version of our JavaPOS service is able to control the following keyboard modules: Keyboard (POS keys), MSR (integrated in keyboard), keylock and tone indicator. Package is available on request - please contact support[at]
This API enables direct communication with our USB keyboards and their modules (MSR, Keylock, etc.) within your own MS Windows applications. Documentation included in the ZIP archive (Sep. 16 2016, archived*)
MWX Function DLL Version 4.01 (PS/2)
This API helps you to directly communicate with our PS/2 keyboard hardware and integrated modules (MSR, Keylock, etc.) within your own MS Windows applications. (11/30/2001, archived*)
Px - Passport/OCR Reader Module
OCR/MSR/AUX Wedge-Module "P2" / "P4" / "P6" (included in Airline-Devices MCI 111 A / ML 2 A and MC 147 A):
Our software "CheckinPackage" is usually provided by your software integrator. This package includes a configuration utility, VirtualCOM drivers for USB, manuals and additional information. Of course we also can provide these on request - please contact support[at]
Alternatively you can directly integrate those OCR devices using our PKTUSB API available in the API section above.
OCR/Passport Reader Module "P1"
ZIP package including drivers and demo application for the OCR reader module - product code "P1" (e.g. used in MCI 111 and ML 2). Regarding installation please refer to included instruction sheet and Readme. (April 29 2013)
OCRWedge 2.1a - for OCR/Passport Reader Module "P1"
Software keyboard wedge for above OCR module "P1" (e.g. used in MCI 111 and ML 2). Regarding installation please refer to the included Readme. (April 15 2010)
Sx - Smartcard Module
Cardman SmartCard Reader "S1/S2/S3"
Installation instructions for the smart card reader module integrated in the new keyboard families MC147 or MCI series. Product code "S1" (CardMan 3e20 USB), "S2" (CardMan 3e10 RS232) and "S3" (CardMan 3121 USB). (Feb. 08 2011)
Cardman 3121 SmartCard Reader "S5"
Latest generation SmartCard Reader modules of type "S5" do not require special hardware drivers, as they support CCID. Operating system CCID drivers are installed automatically and may be used.
Dx - Display Module
VFD LineDisplay Modul "DM02" (90328-90x/0800)
ZIP package including manuals, drivers and configuration tools - please see included readme.txt for details. (Feb. 08 2011)
DriverPack Version 1.6.0 Build18282
In the meantime, the DriverPack is mostly obsolete. Installation is only required to send commands to PS/2 keyboards and for using older Windows packages like OPOS/JavaPOS!
But here it installs all necessary components for communicating with our keyboards. It is required for all packages like WinProgrammer, OPOS and JavaPOS. It is always included in those packages, but here you always will find the latest version. Operating systems supported: Windows NT4/2000/XP/7 or newer (for PS/2 only 32bit!). View Readme for details. (July 10 2018)
WinProgrammer Version 2.3.2 (July 31 2009)
WinProgrammer Version 2.2 (Aug. 16 2006)
WinProgrammer Version 2.1.1 (Apr. 04 2005)
WinProgrammer Version 2.0 (May 05 2004)
WinProgrammer Version 1.8 (Nov. 12 2002)
Standalone package C2k_20090731.ZIP (July 31 2009)
Standalone package C2K_V4020.ZIP (June 14 2006)
Standalone package C2K_V4011.ZIP (Sept. 29 2005)
OPOS Service Objects Version 1.10.007a (Nov. 20 2007)
OPOS Service Objects Version 1.10.007 (Feb. 2007)
OPOS Service Objects Version (Sep. 21 2005)
JavaPOS package for Windows, Version (09/17/2003)
DriverPack Version (Aug. 22 2008)
DriverPack Version (Nov. 20 2007)
DriverPack Version (Feb. 2007)
DriverPack Version (Mar. 03 2005)
DriverPack Version (July 05 2004)
PS/2 Keyboard Driver for Windows2000 / XP
The PS/2 keyboard driver for Windows 2000/XP is already included in the installation of the DriverPack. View Readme for details. (Mar. 08 2004, archived*)
Programmer for DOS Version 4.0.32
Only to be used for keyboards manufactured before 1996. The first digit of the four-character Datecode on the keyboard represents the production year. Does not support DOS box under Win9x.
Programmer for the old keyboard type AT-3.
Only to be used for DOS and Windows3.x. Driver does not work on Windows9x, WinNT or newer!
T1 - TouchKey-Module
TouchKey Programmer V2.0 (Build 110406) (Apr. 06 2011)
TKDemo_(Build 110406) (Apr. 06 2011)
Both packages require Windows XP and .NET framework 2.0 - Download here.