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Michael Seidler at airportshow 2024

Swipeless Check-In Innovation: PrehKeyTec at the airportshow 2024

At this year's airportshow in Dubai, on of the highlights was our new check-in keyboard, which impressed attendees with its swipeless functionality…

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New Shareholder: Erik Miersch Demonstrates Commitment to the Company and Confidence in Strategy and Employees

We are pleased to announce that our CEO, Erik Miersch, has been admitted to the circle of shareholders of the company, effective May 7, 2024. This…

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Gilles de Greef (CCO) and Alexandre Joly (CEO) from ELYCTIS show our CEO, Erik Miersch the clean room at their headquarters in Pertuis, France (from left to right)

Strategic Partnership for Innovative eID Products

We, PrehKeyTec GmbH, are pleased to announce our partnership with ELYCTIS, a renowned market leader in the field of electronic identification (eID).…

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PrehKeyTec at NRF 2024

Cash Register Keyboards and Bump Bars at NRF 2024

At NRF 2024 we had the opportunity to showcase the seamless integration of an all-in-one point-of-sale system with our MCI 30, a compact programmable…

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Anniversaries 2023

An impressive year of anniversaries at PrehKeyTec

As the year draws to a close, we take a look back: In 2023, four of our valued employees celebrated company anniversaries!

Since August, Carmen…

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Axel Schmid

Axel Schmid: Experienced Sales Professional Strengthens PrehKeyTec Team With Passion and Expertise

Axel Schmid took up his position as a sales representative in our team on October 9 of this year. The 57-year-old is the father of one son and…

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